Signal processing - Mathematics.
著作: | 22 作品に 13 出版物中に 13 言語 |
Probability and random processes[electronic resource] :with applications to signal processing and communications /
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Fractional order signal processing[electronic resource] :introductory concepts and applications /
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Duration and bandwidth limiting[electronic resource] :prolate functions, sampling, and applications /
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Practical time-frequency analysis[electronic resource] :Gabor and wavelet transforms with an implementation in S /
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Probability and random processes[electronic resource] :with applications to signal processing and communications /
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Transforms and applications primer for engineers with examples and MATLAB[electronic resource] /
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Regularization and Bayesian methods for inverse problems in signal and image processing[electronic resource] /
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Multi-factor models and signal processing techniques[electronic resource] :application to quantitative finance /
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Non-negative matrix factorization techniques[electronic resource] :advances in theory and applications /
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Special integral functions used in wireless communications theory[electronic resource] /
(言語・文字資料 (印刷物))