著作: | 32 作品に 32 出版物中に 32 言語 |
休閒性田園耕種者參與動機與休閒效益之研究 = A study on participation motivation and leisure benefits of the leisure farmers
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羽球俱樂部會員參與動機、滿意度與忠誠度之研究 = A study of the relationships between participation motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty among badminton club members
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甲二級大專籃球教練領導行為對球員自信心與團隊凝聚力之影響 = A Study on the Influence of Coach's Leadership Behavior on Sport-Confidence and Team Cohesion in Second Level College Basketball Team
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運動涉入對青少年自我控制與偏差行為影響之研究 = A Study of the Influence on Sport Involvement to Self-Control and Deviation Behavior-Taking Young People as an Ezample
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國小教師工作壓力與工作倦怠之研究 = A Study on Elementary School Teachers Work Stress and Burnout Using Healthy Lifestyle as Moderating Variables : 以健康生活型態為調節變項
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國小教師規律運動參與行為、生活壓力與身心健康之研究 = A Study of Exercise Participation, Life Stress and Physical-Mental Health of Elementary School Teachers in Hsinchu County : 以新竹縣為例
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國小學童體適能成績與家庭背景關係之研究 = Research on Physical Fitness and Family Background at the Elementary Schools in Dayuan of Taoyuan : 以桃園縣大園鄉為例
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教師教學態度對學生學習動機與學習成效之影響 = The Impact of Teacher's Teaching Attitudes toward Students' Learning Motivation and Learning Achievements- Taking Unicycle Sport as an Example : 以獨輪車運動為例
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環狀運動參與動機、流暢體驗與休閒效益之關係 = A Study of The Relationship Among Circuit Training Participational Motivation, Flow Experience, Leisure Benefits
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品牌形象、品牌態度與消費者購買意願之研究 = A Study of Brand Image、Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention:An Example of Sports Brand PUMA : 以運動用品品牌PUMA為例
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國中生飲用含糖飲料行為及其相關因素之研究 = The Influential Factors and Status of the Sugar-Sweetened Drinks Intake of the Junior High School Students in Taoyuan City : 以桃園縣某國中學生為例
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