Computer security - Congresses
著作: | 32 作品に 32 出版物中に 32 言語 |
Advances in cryptology- CRYPTO 2003: 23rd Annual International Cryptology conference ...
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Advances in cryptology ASIACRYPT 2003: 9th International conference on the Theory and application of c
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Computer security ESORICS 2003:8th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
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Advances in cryptology ASIACRYPT 2004: 10th international conference on the Theory and Application of cryptology and ...
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Advances in biometric person authentication: 5th Chinese conference on biometric recognition,SINOBIOMETRICS 2004,...
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Cryptographic hardware and embedded systems - CHES 2004: 6th international workshop Cambridge,MA,USA,August 11-13,2004..
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Advances in cryptology-CRYPTO 2004: 24th Annual International cryptology Conference,Santa Brabara,California,USA...
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Topics in cryptology-CT-RSA 2005: the cryptographers' track at the RSA conference 2005,San Francisco,CA,USA,...
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Theory of cryptography: second theory of cryptography conference,TCC 2005,Cambridge,MA,USA,February 10-12,2005,...
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Trust and privacy in digital business: first international conference,trustBus 2004, Zaragoza,Spain,...
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Selected areas in cryptography: 11th international workshop,SAC 2004,Waterloo,Canada,...
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Public key cryptography-PKC 2005: 8th international workshop on theory and practice in public key cryptography...
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Progress in cryptology-INDOCRYPT 2004 : 5th international conference on cryptology in india Chennai,India, ...
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Privacy enhancing technologies : 4th international workshop,PET 2004, Toronto,Canada...
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Formal aspects of security:first international conference,FASec 2002,London,UK,...
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Computer safety, reliability, and security: 23rd international confernece,SAFECOMP 2004,Potsdam,Germany...
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Information and communications security: 6th international conference, ICICS 2004,Malaga,Spain,October 2004,proceedings
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Software security-theories and systems:second mext-NSF-JSPS international symposium,ISSS 2003
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Information security and cryptology-ICISC 2004: 7th international conference,Seoul,Korea,December 2-3,2004...
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Recent advances in intrusion detection: 6th international symposium,RAID 2003,Pittsburgh,PA,USA,...
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Information security and privacy: 9th Australasian conference,ACISP 2004,Sydney,Australia,...
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Recent advances in intrusion detection: 7th international symposium,RAID 2004,Sophia Antipolis,France,...
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Computer security - ESORICS 2004: 9th European symposium on research in computer security,Sophia Antipolis,France,...
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Privacy enhancing technologies: third international workshop,PET 2003,Dresden,Germany,...
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Information and communications security: 5th international conference,ICICS 2003,Huhehaote,China
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Information security and cryptology - ICISC 2003: 6th international Conference,Seoul,Korea,...
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Intelligence and security informatics: IEEE international conference on intelligence and security informatcs,ISI 2005,..
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