Business mathematics.
著作: | 32 作品に 27 出版物中に 27 言語 |
PreMBA analytical primer[electronic resource] :essential quantitative concepts for business math /
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Introduction to the mathematics of finance[electronic resource] :arbitrage and option pricing /
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Financial mathematics[electronic resource] :theory and problems for multi-period models /
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Probability and statistical models[electronic resource] :foundations for problems in reliability and financial mathematics /
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Mathematics of the financial markets :financial instruments and derivatives modelling, valuation and risk issues /
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An introduction to the mathematics of finance[electronic resource] :a deterministic approach /
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Hidden Markov models in finance[electronic resource] :further developments and applications.Volume II /
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Quantum dynamics for classical systems[electronic resource] :with applications of the number operator /
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Portfolio analytics[electronic resource] :an introduction to return and risk measurement /
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Fundamentals and principles of artifacts science[electronic resource] :3M&I-Body system /
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Introduction to actuarial and financial mathematical methods[electronic resource] /
An introduction to mathematical finance with applications[electronic resource] :understanding and building financial intuition /
Fundamentals and advanced techniques in derivatives hedging[electronic resource] /
Painting with numbers[electronic resource] :presenting financials and other numbers so people will understand you /
Advanced modelling in mathematical finance[electronic resource] :in honour of Ernst Eberlein /
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