Economics-Statistical methods

Works: 28 works in 28 publications in 28 languages
Applied statistics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistical thinking for managers by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for management and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistical techniques in business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Theory and problems of business statistics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistical methods in econometrics by: (Electronic resources)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for management and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics:for management and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistical techniques in business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistic:for management and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for management and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics : for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Statistics for business and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Essentials of economics by: (Language materials, printed)
Basic statistics for buiness and economics by: (Language materials, printed)
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