Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions


Institutions and the Path to the Mod...
Ebooks Corporation.
Elbridge Gerry's Salamander :[electr...
Calvert, Randall.
The economic vote[electronic resourc...
Duch, Raymond M.
Veto bargaining[electronic resource]...
Cameron, Charles M.
Partisan bonds[electronic resource] ...
Grynaviski, Jeffrey D.
A theory of the state[electronic res...
Barzel, Yoram.
Legislative institutions and ideolog...
When Majorities Fail :[electronic re...
Andrews, Josephine T.
Timber Booms and Institutional Break...
Calvert, Randall.
Multiparty democracy :elections and ...
Schofield, Norman, (1944-)
Institutions and the path to the mod...
Greif, Avner, (1955-)
Architects of political change :cons...
Schofield, Norman, (1944-)
Elbridge Gerry's salamander :the ele...
Cox, Gary W.,
The politics of property rights :pol...
Haber, Stephen H., (1957-)
Delegation and agency in internation...
Hawkins, Darren G., (1966-)
The European Union decides /
Thomson, Robert, (1972-)
by: Thomson, Robert, (1972-)
Globalization, politics, and financi...
Satyanath, Shanker, (1958-)
Appointing central bankers :the poli...
Chang, Kelly H.,
The political economy of Poland's tr...
Jackson, John Edgar,