Oxford linguistics.


Grammatical constructions:their form...
ShibataniMasayoshi ed.
Field linguistics : a beginner's guide
Experimental approaches to phonology
Ohala, Manjari Ed.
Constructions at work : the nature o...
Goldberg, Adele E.
Syntactic gradience : the nature of ...
Aarts, Bas
The semantics of clause linking : a ...
Aikhenvald Alexandra Y. Ed.
Spatial language and dialogue
Bateman John Ed.
by: Bateman John Ed.
Analogy in grammer : from and acquis...
Blevins James P. Ed.
Spontaneous spoken language : syntax...
Miller Jim
Prosodic typology[electronic resourc...
Jun, Sun-Ah, (1959-)
Phonetics and philology[electronic r...
Stuart-Smith, Jane, (1965-)
Gradience in grammar[electronic reso...
Fanselow, Gisbert.
The representation and processing of...
Jarema, Gonia.
Typological change in Chinese syntax...
Xu, Dan.
Theories of lexical semantics[electr...
Geeraerts, Dirk, (1955-)
How words mean[electronic resource] ...
Evans, Vyvyan.
Construction morphology /
Booij, G. E.
Languages of the Amazon[electronic r...
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.
Motion Encoding in Language and Spac...
Dimitrova-Vulchanova, Mila,
Rich Languages From Poor Inputs[elec...
Berwick, Robert C.,