Assistive technology research series,


Challenges for assistive technology[...
Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe.
by: Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe.
Technology and aging[electronic reso...
Clark Conference ((2005 :)
Dementia, design, and technology[ele...
Östlund, Britt.
Everyday technology for independence...
Clark Conference ((2005 :)
A friendly rest room[electronic reso...
Bruin, Renate de.
A conflicted view of telehomecare af...
Glascock, Anthony P.
Advances in home care technologies[e...
Turner, Kenneth J.
Essential lessons for the success of...
Glascock, Anthony P.
The road ahead [electronic resource]...
Hunter, Dawn,
Assistive technology[electronic reso...
Encarnac©Đo, Pedro.