

再見列寧! = Good bye, Lenin!
Becker, Wolfgang
色戒 = Samsara
池畔謀殺案 = Swimming pool
Ozon, Francois
夏日時光 = Summer hours
Assayas, Dlivier
by: Assayas, Dlivier
甜蜜插播 = Just the beginning
France, Pierre
蝴蝶的眼淚 = Cry of the butterfly
Eielcke, Marie
大審判(帝國大審判) = Sophie scholl : the fin...
Jentsch, Julia
記得我愛你 = Se souvenir des belles choses
Breitmano, Zabou
愛上娜塔莉 = Nathalie
Ardant, Fanny
夢想起飛的季節 = Une hirondelle a fait le p...
Carion, Christian
被世界遺忘前 = Before I forget
Dubois, Jean-Pol
何處是我家 = Nowhere in Africa
Habich, Mattias
烽火孿生淚 = Twin sisters
Okras, Gudrun
國王的異想世界 = The tenth summer
Grunler, Jorg
悲憐上帝的孩子 = God's Children
我們這一班 = The flying classroom
Wiegand, Tomy
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