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Television Trust for the Environment

Works: 1 works in 11 publications in 1 languages
世界人口與農作物生產問題 by: Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
Future food = 2013全球食品安全與生產探討-中國. episode 6. stay or go by: Gabbay,Alex; Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
紐西蘭純淨環境與農業發展 by: Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
基因改良技術帶動綠色革命 by: Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
最新增進農產品產量技術 by: Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
Future food = 2013全球食品安全與生產探討-肯亞. episode 5. near or far by: Gabbay,Alex; Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
Future food = 2013全球食品安全與生產探討-秘魯. episode 1. old or new by: Gabbay, Alex; Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
Cold coral deep = 冷水珊瑚保育 by: Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material) , [produced]
Future food = 2013全球食品安全與生產探討-肯亞. episode 2. food or fuel by: Gabbay, Alex; Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
Future food = 2013全球食品安全與生產探討-印度. episode 4. fat or skinny by: Gabbay, Alex; Television Trust for the Environment (Projected and video material)
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