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Works: 1 works in 22 publications in 2 languages
中國歷史故事(第二版) = Stories from Chinese history by: 中國; 吳奚真; 葉德明; 馬國光 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
對外華語課程設計 by: 凌網科技股份有限公司; 葉德明 (Electronic resources)
初級華語十課 = Ten Lessons in elementary Mandarin Chinese by: 吳奚真; 李振清; 葉德明; 蔡雅琳 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
中國的風俗習慣 = Chinese customs and traditions by: 吳奚真; 國立編譯館; 葉德明; 郭立誠 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
遠東生活華語.Book(注音版) = Far East everyday Chinese by: 劉咪咪; 葉德明 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
國語注音符號教材(日文版) by: 葉德明; 黃錦鋐 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
對外華語課程設計 by: 葉德明 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
華語表達的「態」與「藝」 : 華語正音與表達 by: 葉德明 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
小豆豆學華語 = Little bean learns Chinese by: 盧翠英; 葉德明; 陳懷萱 (Language materials, printed) , [指導規劃]
遠東生活華語. student workbook book = Far East everyday Chinese book by: 劉咪咪; 潘蓮丹; 王文娟; 葉德明; 鄭嘉武; 陳瑩漣 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
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