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霍華 ((Howard, Ron))

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 5 languages
請問總統先生 = Frost/mixon by: Bacon, Kevin; Hall, Rebecca; Howard, Ron; Jones, Toby; Langella, Frank; Macfadyen, Matthew; Platt, Oliver; Rockwell, Sam; Sheen, Michael; 普雷特 ((Platt, Oliver)); 洛克威爾 ((Rockwell, Sam)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, Toby)); 藍吉拉 ((Langella, Frank)); 貝肯 ((Bacon, Kevin)); 費迪恩 ((Macfadyen, Matthew)); 辛 ((Sheen, Michael)); 霍爾 ((Hall, Rebecca)); 霍華 ((Howard, Ron)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
白鯨傳奇:怒海之心 = In the heart of the sea by: Hemsworth, Chris; Howard, Ron; Walker, Benjamin; 沃克 ((Walker, Benjamin)); 漢斯沃 ((Hemsworth, Chris)); 霍華 ((Howard, Ron)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
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