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Milroy, Lesley.

Works: 2 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Dynamics of Language Contact :[electronic resource].English and Immigrant Languages. by: Chaudenson, Robert.; Clyne, Michael.; Ebooks Corporation.; Kachru, Braj.; Milroy, Lesley.; Mufwene, Salikoko S.; Poplack, Shana.; Silverstein, Michael. (Language materials, printed)
Language Contact and Grammatical Change.[electronic resource]. by: Chaudenson, Robert.; Ebooks Corporation.; Heine, Bernd.; Kachru, Braj.; Kuteva, Tania.; Milroy, Lesley.; Mufwene, Salikoko S.; Poplack, Shana.; Silverstein, Michael. (Language materials, printed)
Sociolinguistics[electronic resource] :method and interpretation / by: Gordon, Matthew J.; Milroy, Lesley.; Wiley InterScience (Online service) (Language materials, printed)
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