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Baron, Robert A.

Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
Behavior in organizations:understanding & managing the human side of work by: Baron, Robert A.; Greenberg, Jerald (Language materials, printed)
Behavior in organizations:understanding & managing the human side of work by: Baron, Robert A.; Greenberg, Jerald (Language materials, printed)
Behavior in organizations : understanding and managing the human side of work by: Baron, Robert A.; Greenerg, Jerald (Language materials, printed)
Behavior in organizations:understanding and managing the human side of work by: Baron, Robert A.; Greenberg, Jerald (Language materials, printed)
Essentials of psychology by: Baron, Robert A. (Language materials, printed)
Social psychology by: Baron, Robert A.; Branscombe, Nyla R.; Byrne, Donn Erwin. (Language materials, printed)
Behavior in organizations:understanding and managing the human side of work by: Baron, Robert A.; Greenberg, Jerald (Language materials, printed)
Creolization as cultural creativity[electronic resource] / by: Baron, Robert A.; Cara, Ana C.; Project Muse. (Language materials, printed)
Behavior in organizations:understanding and managing the human side of work by: Baron, Robert A.; Geenberg, Jerald (Language materials, printed)
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