
Works: 20 works in 20 publications in 20 languages
高空氣候學 by: (Language materials, printed)
天氣學實驗與診斷分析 by: (Language materials, printed)
氣候與文化 by: (Language materials, printed)
物理氣候學基礎 by: (Language materials, printed)
氣候變化四問 by: (Language materials, printed)
應用氣候手冊 by: (Language materials, printed)
山岳天氣與氣候 by: (Language materials, printed)
水域氣候 by: (Language materials, printed)
氣象學與氣候學 by: (Language materials, printed)
天氣與氣候學 by: (Language materials, printed)
漫天蛙魚雨:四季變幻與天空奇觀 by: (Language materials, printed)
氣象與公眾 by: (Language materials, printed)
氣象與生活 by: (Language materials, printed)
透視氣象 : 了解天氣的入門書 by: (Language materials, printed)
全球氣象大觀 = Wild weather by: (Projected and video material)
和天空對話 氣象 by: (Language materials, printed)
地球的動態 by: (Projected and video material)
四季風情:輕鬆解讀四季氣候 by: (Language materials, printed)
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