

開運兔 = Hop
Brand, Russell
…で: Brand, Russell
凱撒必須死 = Caesar must die : 舞台重生
Arcuri, Giovanni
金牌特務 = Kingsman: the secret service
傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.))
…で: 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.))
隔離島 = Shutter island
史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin))
…で: 史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin))
魔境夢遊 = Alice In Wonderland
Burton, Tim
飯飯之交 = No strings attached
Kline, Kevin
雙鼠記 = The tale of despereaux
Broderick, Matthew
…で: Broderick, Matthew
風聲 = The message
…で: 周迅
通天神探狄仁傑 = Detective Dee
麥克邁 = Megamind : 超能壞蛋
Ferrell, Will
黑天鵝 = Black swan
Aronofsky, Darren
…で: Aronofsky, Darren
型男飛行日誌 = Up in the air
Clooney, George
…で: Clooney, George
魔髮奇緣 = Tangled
Greno, Nathan
…で: Greno, Nathan
神偷奶爸 = Despicable me
Andrews, Julie
…で: Andrews, Julie
華爾街 = Wall Street : 金錢萬歲; money neve...
Brolin, Josh
127小時 = 127 hours
Boyle, Danny
…で: Boyle, Danny
魔法師的學徒 = The sorcerer's apprentice
Baruchel, Jay
戰馬 = War horse
Irvine, Jeremy
…で: Irvine, Jeremy
嫁禍 = Kuma
Akkaya, Begum
…で: Akkaya, Begum
熊麻吉 = Ted
Kunis, Mila
…で: Kunis, Mila
雷神索爾 = Thor
Branagh, Kenneth
…で: Branagh, Kenneth
緊急動員 = The siege
玆維克 ((Zwick, Edward) )
…で: 玆維克 ((Zwick, Edward) )
勇敢傳說 = Brave
Andrews, Mark
…で: Andrews, Mark
決勝機密 = Parandia
路克提 ((Luketic, Robert))
…で: 路克提 ((Luketic, Robert))
冰原歷險記 = Ice age 4 : continental drif...
Latifah, Queen
少年Pi的奇幻漂流 = Life of Pi
Khan, Irrfan.
戰爭與和平 = War and peace
Fonda, Henry
請問總統先生 = Frost/mixon
Bacon, Kevin
真實的勇氣 = True grit
Bridges, Jeff
…で: Bridges, Jeff
復仇者聯盟 = The avengers
Downey Jr., Robert
…で: Downey Jr., Robert
鐵木真 = Mongol : 開天闢地
Bodrov, Sergey
愛你3天多1天 = One day more
Ragonese, Isabella
…で: Ragonese, Isabella
安娜.卡列妮娜 = Anna Karenina
Johnson, Aaron
吸血鬼獵人 = Abraham Lincoln:vampire hunt...
Bekmambetov, Timur
無敵破壞王 = Wreck-it Ralph
Lynch, Jane
特務愛很大 = This means war
Hardy, Tom
命運規劃局 = The adjustment bureau
Blunt, Emily
金陵十三釵 = The flowers of war
Bale, Christian
公主與狩獵者 = Snow white & the huntsman
Hemsworth, Chris
聖母峰 = Everest
科馬庫 ((Kormákur, Baltasar))
…で: 科馬庫 ((Kormákur, Baltasar))
格雷的五十道陰影 = Fifty shades of Grey
強森 ( (Johnson,Sam Taylor))
…で: 強森 ( (Johnson,Sam Taylor))
麻辣賤諜 = Spy
Byrne, Rose
…で: Byrne, Rose
生命中的美好缺憾 = The fault in our stars
布恩 ((Boone, Josh) )
生命中的美好缺憾 = The fault in our stars
Boone, Josh
鳥人2015 = Birdman
伊納利圖 ((Inarritu, Alejandro Gonzalez))
…で: 伊納利圖 ((Inarritu, Alejandro Gonzalez))
婦仇者聯盟 = The other woman
卡薩維茲 ((Cassavetes, Nick))
…で: 卡薩維茲 ((Cassavetes, Nick))
馴龍高手.2 = How to train your dragon 2
Baruchel, Jay
德古拉:永咒傳奇 = Dracula:untold
Barks, Samantha
實習大叔 = The internship
Levy, Shawn
愛的萬物論 = The theory of everything
Jones, Felicity
永不屈服 = Unbroken
Gleeson, Domhnall
…で: Gleeson, Domhnall
垃圾男孩 = Trash
Daldry, Stephen
…で: Daldry, Stephen
雲端男女 = Men, women & children
Elgort, Ansel
百萬金臂 = Million dollar arm
Arkin, Alan
螢光幕後 = Network
Dunaway, Faye
…で: Dunaway, Faye
愛的萬物論 = The theory of everything
馬許 ((Marsh, James) )
…で: 馬許 ((Marsh, James) )
移動迷宮:焦土試煉 = Maze runner:scorch trials
Ball, Wes
移動迷宮 = The maze runner
Ball, Wes
控制 = Gone Girl
Affleck, Ben
…で: Affleck, Ben
美味不設限 = Hundred foot journey
Dayal, Manish
大夢想家 = Saving Mr. Banks
Hancock, John Lee
…で: Hancock, John Lee
仙履奇緣 = Cinderella
布萊納 ((Branagh, Kenneth))
…で: 布萊納 ((Branagh, Kenneth))
分裂 = Split
沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night))
…で: 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night))
丹麥女孩 = The Danish girl
霍伯 ((Hooper, Tom))
…で: 霍伯 ((Hooper, Tom))
紅雀 = Red Sparrow
勞倫斯 ((Lawrence, Francis))
…で: 勞倫斯 ((Lawrence, Francis))
淑女鳥 = Lady bird
吉薇格 ((Gerwig, Greta) )
…で: 吉薇格 ((Gerwig, Greta) )
蟻人與黃蜂女 = Ant-Man and the Wasp
瑞德 ((Reed, Peyton) )
…で: 瑞德 ((Reed, Peyton) )
亨利的筆記 = The book of Henry
Lieberher, Jaeden
…で: Lieberher, Jaeden
母親! = Mother!
Aronofsky, Darren
…で: Aronofsky, Darren
家有兩個爸x2 = Daddy's home 2
, Heathfield, Adrian/ Hsieh, Tehching
…で: , Heathfield, Adrian/ Hsieh, Tehching
勝負反手拍 = Battle of the sexes
Carell, Steve
可可夜總會 = Coco
Bernal, Gael García
…で: Bernal, Gael García
空軍一號 = Air force one
Ford, Harrison
…で: Ford, Harrison
親密關係 = Terms of endearment
Brooks, James L.
…で: Brooks, James L.
黑帽駭客 = Blackhat
Hemsworth, Chris
…で: Hemsworth, Chris
年少時代 = Boyhood
Arquette, Patricia
…で: Arquette, Patricia
博物館驚魂夜.3 = Night at the museum : sec...
Levy, Shawn
羅根 = Logan
Jackman, Hugh
…で: Jackman, Hugh
猩球崛起 = War for the planet of the ape...
Harrelson, Woody
怪物 = Victor Frankenstein
Findlay, Jessica Brown
…で: Findlay, Jessica Brown
小小兵 = Minions
Balda, Kyle
…で: Balda, Kyle
玩具總動員:迷失時空 = Toy story that time forgot
Allen, Tim
飛越情海 = Racing hearts
Deruddere, Dominique
…で: Deruddere, Dominique
Star wars:原力覺醒 = Star wars:the force...
Abrams, J.J.
歡樂好聲音 = Sing
詹寧斯 ((Jennings, Garth))
…で: 詹寧斯 ((Jennings, Garth))
惡棍英雄:死侍 = Deadpool
米勒 ((Miller, Tim))
…で: 米勒 ((Miller, Tim))
間諜橋 = Bridge of spies
Hanks, Tom
列車上的女孩 = The girl on the train
泰勒 ((Taylor, Tate))
…で: 泰勒 ((Taylor, Tate))
神鬼認證.4, 傑森包恩 = The bourne legacy 4
Gilroy, Tony
心靈圍籬 = Fences
華盛頓 ((Washington, Denzel))
…で: 華盛頓 ((Washington, Denzel))
黑豹 = Black Panther
庫格勒 ((Coogler, Ryan) )
…で: 庫格勒 ((Coogler, Ryan) )
海洋奇緣 = Moana
Clements, Ron
…で: Clements, Ron
美國隊長 = Captain America: civil war. 3...
伊凡 ((Evans (V), Chris))
美國製造 = American made
Cruise, Tom
…で: Cruise, Tom
雷神索爾 = Thor : ragnarok : 諸神黃昏. 3
Blanchett, Cate
女王與知己 = Victoria & Abdul
Dench, Judi
金牌特務 = Kingsman : the golden circle ...
Berry, Halle
怒海爭鋒:極地征伐 = Master and commander : t...
Crowe, Russell
絕地救援 = The Martian
史考特 ((Scott, Ridley))
…で: 史考特 ((Scott, Ridley))
大加州地震 = San andreas quake
Baumgartner, John
…で: Baumgartner, John
為了與你相遇 = A dog's purpose
霍斯壯 ((Hallström, Lasse))
…で: 霍斯壯 ((Hallström, Lasse))
金盞花大酒店.2 = The second best exotic Ma...
麥登 ((Madden, John))
侏羅紀世界 = Jurassic world
Howard, Bryce Dallas
…で: Howard, Bryce Dallas
雪人 = The snowman
Alfredson, Tomas
…で: Alfredson, Tomas
星光繼承者 = Descendants
Boyce, Cameron
…で: Boyce, Cameron
蟻人 = Ant Man
Douglas, Michael
…で: Douglas, Michael
馴龍高手 = How to train your dragon
Baruchel, Jay
摯友維尼 = Christopher Robin
佛斯特 ((Forster, Marc))
…で: 佛斯特 ((Forster, Marc))
黑魔女 2 = Maleficent : mistress of evil
Dickinson, Harris
阿拉丁 = Aladdin
Massoud, Mena
…で: Massoud, Mena
冰雪奇緣.2 = Frozen II
Bell, Kristen
…で: Bell, Kristen
靠譜歌王 = Yesterday
Boyle, Danny
…で: Boyle, Danny
雙子殺手 = Gemini man
Lee, Ang
火箭人 = Rocketman
Egerton, Taron
…で: Egerton, Taron
艾莉塔:戰鬥天使 = Alita: Battle Angel
羅里葛茲 ((Rodriguez, Robert))
…で: 羅里葛茲 ((Rodriguez, Robert))
速成家庭 = Instant family
安德斯 ((Anders, Sean))
…で: 安德斯 ((Anders, Sean))
曼羅奇遇記 = The book of life
Gutierrez, Jorge R.
…で: Gutierrez, Jorge R.
馴龍高手.3 = How to train your dragon : ...
Baruchel, Jay
丁丁歷險記 = The adventures of Tintin
Bell, Jamie
唐頓莊園 = Downton Abbey
Dockery, Michelle
…で: Dockery, Michelle
飛越奇蹟 = Eddie The Eagle
佛萊契 ((Fletcher, Dexter))
…で: 佛萊契 ((Fletcher, Dexter))
…で: 柯辛斯基 ((Kosinski, Joseph))