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Fujita, Hamido,

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
New trends on system science and engineering[electronic resource] :proceedings of ICSSE 2015 / by: Clark Conference ((2005 :); Ebooks Corporation.; Fujita, Hamido,; Su, Shunfeng, (Language materials, printed)
New trends in intelligent software methodologies, tools and techniques[electronic resource] :proceedings of the 16th International Conference SoMeT_17 / by: Fujita, Hamido,; IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (2017 :); Ōmatu, S., (1946-); Selamat, Ali, (Electronic resources)
New trends in software methodologies, tools and techniques[electronic resource] :proceedings of the Thirteenth SoMeT_14 / by: Clark Conference ((2005 :); Fujita, Hamido,; Haron, Habibollah,; Selmat, Ali, (Language materials, printed)
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