
Works: 87 works in 87 publications in 87 languages
都是愛迪生惹的禍 : 光害 by: (Electronic resources)
快樂打造智能健康屋 by: (Electronic resources)
綠生活,愛地球 by: (Electronic resources)
污染防治與環境管理 by: (Electronic resources)
城市居民環境行為研究 by: (Electronic resources)
環境與資源管理 by: (Language materials, printed)
清潔生產 by: (Language materials, printed)
可持續發展評估理論及實踐 by: (Electronic resources)
環境保護與可持續發展 by: (Electronic resources)
清潔生產法論 by: (Electronic resources)
環保常識題庫 by: (Electronic resources)
低碳國度 = Carbon Nation by: (Projected and video material)
森林保衛戰 = Above all else by: (Projected and video material)
2017台灣環境品質與能源效率評析 by: (Language materials, printed)
全球環境變遷與生態永續 by: (Electronic resources)
生態文明新論 by: (Electronic resources)
大崩壞 : 人類社會的明天? by: (Electronic resources)
台灣環境史 by: (Electronic resources)
21世紀環境國家之新挑戰 by: (Electronic resources)
解讀中國大陸節能環保商機 by: (Electronic resources)
低碳。好行 by: (Electronic resources)
極度地球 by: (Electronic resources)
碳匯之發展趨勢及國內策略研析 by: (Language materials, printed)
氣候賭局 by: (Electronic resources)
世界又熱、又平、又擠 by: (Electronic resources)
連大人也不懂?SDGs圖鑑 by: (Language materials, printed)
拯救地球 : 事實與真相 by: (Electronic resources)
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