英國語言 - 成語,熟語

Works: 76 works in 88 publications in 88 languages
廣告.英文 = Advertising & English by: (Language materials, printed)
30天快速征服英檢中級核心1500字 by: (Language materials, printed)
2009-2011好字為之拼考試 by: (Language materials, printed)
同步翻譯 = Simultaneous interpretation. 1 by: (Language materials, printed)
3天就能拿筆寫英語作文 by: (Electronic resources)
東西大不同 = Culture class by: (Electronic resources)
這樣用,那樣用?! = The difference. II by: (Language materials, printed)
頑童流浪記 [有聲書] by: (Electronic resources)
Gender and Class in Shakespeare's As You Like It. by: (Language materials, printed)
Translation of Public Signs in Dayeh University by: (Language materials, printed)
A case study on my neighbor Totoro by: (Language materials, printed)
A Discussion on English Movie Title Translations by: (Language materials, printed)
Using English songs for Grammar Instruction by: (Language materials, printed)
廣告.英文 by: (Electronic resources)
商用英語 = The business of English by: (Projected and video material)
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