Palgrave studies in minority languages and communities


Can schools save indigenous language...
Hornberger, Nancy H.
Language and education in Japan[elec...
Kanno, Yasuko, (1965-)
Language, power and identity politic...
Nic Craith, Mâairâead.
Language and conflict in Northern Ir...
Muller, Janet, (1957-)
Minority languages, education and co...
Palgrave Connect (Online service)
Minority languages in the linguistic...
Gorter, D.
Language rights[electronic resource]...
Pupavac, Vanessa.
Attitudes towards weak and strong mi...
O'Rourke, Bernadette.
Democratic policies for language rev...
Boix, Emili, (1956-)
Welsh Writing, Political Action and ...
Mac Giolla Chriost, Diarmait, (1965-)
Language, education and nation-build...
Sercombe, Peter,
Language planning and national ident...
Langston, Keith.
Language policy and economics[electr...
Kamwangamalu, Nkonko M.
Maintaining minority languages in tr...
Lo Bianco, Joseph.
Linguistic policies and the survival...
Judge Anne
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