

Patch adams
…で: Williams,Robin
西雅圖夜未眠 = Sleepless in Seattle
Ephron, Nora
小鬼當家又難纏 = 3 ninjas kick back
Kanganis, Charles T.
致命化身 = Mary Reilly
Fears, Stephen
…で: Fears, Stephen
看誰在說話. 3 = Look who's talking now!
Alley, Kirstie
魔鬼剋星 = Ghostbusters
Murray, Bill
…で: Murray, Bill
機器戰士 = Solo
Barba, Norberto
…で: Barba, Norberto
英雄不流淚 = Desperado
Banderas, Antonio
…で: Banderas, Antonio
狼人生死戀 =Wolf
Nichols, Mike
…で: Nichols, Mike
真愛一世情 = Legends of the fall
Hopkins, Anthony
魔女遊戲 = The craft
Campbell, Neve
…で: Campbell, Neve
王牌特派員 = The cable guy
Broderick, Mathew
…で: Broderick, Mathew
銀線風暴 = Money train
Harrelson, Woody
…で: Harrelson, Woody
極度冒險 = Maximum Risk
Henstridge, Natasha
…で: Henstridge, Natasha
丈夫一籮筐 = Multiplicity
Keaton, Michael
…で: Keaton, Michael
特遣隊出擊 = Navy Seals
Biehn, Michael
…で: Biehn, Michael
瑪麗雪萊之科學怪人 = Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Branagh, Kenneth
終極警探總動員 = Striking distance
Harrington, Rowdy
虎克船長 = Hook
Hoffman, Dustin
…で: Hoffman, Dustin
機器戰警. 2 = Robocop. 2
Allen, Nancy
…で: Allen, Nancy
機器戰警. 3 = Robocop. 3
Allen, Nancy
…で: Allen, Nancy
快打旋風 = Street fighter : the ultimate...
Van Damme, Jean-Claude
藍色霹靂號 = Blue Thunder
Badham, John
火線大行動 = In the line of fire
Eastwood, Clint
阿達一族 = The Addams Family
Julia, Raul
最後魔鬼英雄 = Last action hero
McTiernan, John
叛獄大獵殺 = Nowhere to run
Arquette, Rosanna
…で: Arquette, Rosanna
第三類接觸 = Close Encounters of the Thir...
Dreyfuss, Richard
…で: 傑克尼克遜
網路上身 = The net
Bullock, Sandra
…で: Bullock, Sandra
野蠻遊戲 = Jumanji
Hunt, Bonnie
…で: Hunt, Bonnie
熱天午後 = Dog day afternonn
Cazale, John
絕命大逃亡 = Incognito
Badham, John
…で: Badham, John
吸血鬼 = Bram Stoker's Dracula
Coppola, Francis Ford
…で: Coppola, Francis Ford
X情人 = City of angels
Cage, Nicolas
…で: Cage, Nicolas
…で: 凱薩琳透納
龍族戰神 = The crow
Proyas, Alex
…で: Proyas, Alex
粗野少年族 = The Lost boys
Patric, Jason
…で: Patric, Jason
紫屋魔戀 = The witches of eastwick
Miller, George
意外的旅客 = The accidental tourist
Davis, Geena
驚異大奇航 = Inner space
Dante, Joe
阿瑪迪斯 = Amadeus
Abraham, F. Murray
…で: Abraham, F. Murray
四海好傢伙 = GoodFellas
De Niro, Robert
…で: De Niro, Robert
…で: 克林伊斯威特
…で: 比爾莫瑞
牠不重,牠是我寶貝 = Shiloh
Heron, Blake
熱天午夜之慾望地帶 = Midnight in the garden o...
Cusack, John
迷霧森林十八年 = Gorillas in the mist
Apted, Michael
地動天驚 = Sphere
Hoffman, Dustin
…で: Hoffman, Dustin
暫時停止接觸 = Fallen
Hoblit, Gregory
…で: Hoblit, Gregory
危機最前線 = Mad city
Gavras, Costa
…で: Gavras, Costa
…で: 凱文科斯納
絕命追殺令. 2 : 就地正法 = The fugitive. 2 : ...
Baird, Stuart
誰殺了甘迺迪 = JFK
Costner, Kevin
…で: Costner, Kevin
…で: 吉娜戴維斯
…で: 梅爾吉勃遜
…で: 丹佐華盛頓
擋不住的奇蹟 = That thing you do!
Hanks, Tom
…で: 奇諾李維
一路響叮噹 = Jingle all the way
Levant, Brian
羅密歐與茱麗葉 = Romeo and Juliet
Danes, Claire
天鵝公主 = The Swan Princess
Rich, Richard
天鵝公主. 2 : 神秘寶球 = The Swan Princess a...
Rich, Richard
天鵝公主. 3 = The Swan Princess and the ...
Rich, Richard
一日鍾情 = One fine day
Clooney, George
…で: Clooney, George
捍衛戰警 = Speed
Bullock, Sandra
…で: Bullock, Sandra
魔劍奇兵 = The magic sword : Quest for C...
…で: 史恩康納萊
ID4星際終結者 = Independence day
Emmerich, Roland
絕不留情 = No mercy
Basinger, Kim
…で: Basinger, Kim
再看我一眼 = Against all odds
Bridges, Jeff
我的巨人 = My giant
Crystal, Billy
…で: Crystal, Billy
終極高校 = High school high
Bochner, Hart
…で: Bochner, Hart
雪地迷蹤 = Alaska : an unbelievable adve...
Birch, Thora
野東西 = Wild things
Bacon, Kevin
…で: Bacon, Kevin
檔案風雲 = City Hall
Becker, Harold
…で: Becker, Harold
刀鋒邊緣 = Jagged Edge
Bridges, Jeff
…で: Bridges, Jeff
…で: 基努李維
窈窕淑男 = Tootsie
Hoffman, Dustin
…で: Hoffman, Dustin
小魔女 = Matilda
Devito, Danny
…で: Devito, Danny
異形終結 = Screamers
Duguay, Christian
…で: Duguay, Christian
魔鬼諜報員 = The assignment
Duguay, Christian
…で: Duguay, Christian
愛在心裡口難開 = As good as it gets
Brooks, James L.
替身殺手 = The Replacement killers
Fuqua, Antoine
小子難纏. 1 = The karate kid. 1
Avildsen, John G.
…で: Avildsen, John G.
小子難纏. 2 = The karate kids. 2
Avildsen, John G.
…で: Avildsen, John G.
小子難纏. 3 = The karate kid. 3
Avildsen, John G.
…で: Avildsen, John G.
脫衣舞孃 = Striptease
Bergman, Andrew
…で: Bergman, Andrew
非常手段 = Extreme measures : don't move...
Apted, Michael
征服情海 = Jerry MaGuire : the journey i...
Crowe, Cameron
致命突擊隊 = The devil's own
Ford, Harrison
MIB星際戰警 = MIB : men in black
Jones, Tommy Lee
返家十萬里 = Fly away home
Ballaro, Carroll
…で: Ballaro, Carroll
傻愛成真 = Fools rush in
Hayek, Salma
…で: Hayek, Salma
一觸即發 = Absolute power
Eastwood, Clind
…で: Eastwood, Clind
雙重火力 = Double team
Hark, Tsui
…で: Hark, Tsui
越愛越美麗 = The mirror has two faces
Bridges, Jeff
別闖陰陽界 = Flatliners
Bacon, Kevin
…で: Bacon, Kevin
雙面女郎 = Single white female
Fonda, Bridget
理性與感性 = Sense and sensibility
Thompson, Emma
致命快感 = The Quick and the Dead
Hackman, Gene
費城 = Philadelphia
Demme, Jonathan
…で: Demme, Jonathan
第一武士 = First Knight
Connery, Sean
…で: Connery, Sean
危險機密 = The juror
Baldwin, Alec
…で: Baldwin, Alec
小人物大英雄 = Hero
Davis, Geena
…で: Davis, Geena
伴我情深 = Mr. Jones
Figgis, Mike
…で: Figgis, Mike
光榮戰役 = Glory
Broderick, Matthew
…で: Broderick, Matthew
魔鬼任務 = F/X2
Brown, Bryan
…で: Brown, Bryan
…で: 尼克諾特
滿月疑雲 = China moon
Bailey, John
…で: Bailey, John
站在我這邊 = Stand by me
Reiner, Rob
天使不設防 = Michael
Ephron, Nora
…で: Ephron, Nora
終極神鷹 = Hudson Hawk
Lehmann, Michael
…で: Lehmann, Michael
新娘不是我 = My best friend's wedding
Hogan, P. J.
小鬼初戀 = My girl
Chlumsky, Anna
…で: Chlumsky, Anna
老爸!我被綁架了 = Excess baggage
Brambilla, Marco
看誰在說話 = Look who's talking
Alley, Kirstie
小精靈 = Gremlins
Cates, Phoebe
…で: Cates, Phoebe
小精靈. 2 = Gremlins. 2 : The new batch
Cates, Phoebe
小鬼當家 = Home alone
Columbus, Chris
…で: Columbus, Chris
小鬼當家. 2 : 紐約迷途記 = Home alone. 2 : lo...
Columbus, Chris
小鬼當家. 3 : 壞消息 = Home alone. 3
Gosnell, Raja
牛頓小子 = The Newton boys
Hawke, Ethan
魔繭 = Cocoon
Guttenberg, Steve
…で: Guttenberg, Steve
魔繭. 2 = Cocoon : the return
Brimley, Wilford
…で: Brimley, Wilford
蒙面俠蘇洛前傳 = The mark of Zorro
Darnell, Linda
危險小天使 = The good son
Culkin, Macaulay
…で: Culkin, Macaulay
神魂顛倒第六感 = Prelude to a kiss
Baldwin, Alec
豪氣威龍 = Rapid fire
Boothe, Powers
…で: Boothe, Powers
鐵達尼號 = Titanic
Cameron, James
…で: Cameron, James
愛在戰火蔓延時 = Shining through
Douglas, Michael
尼羅河寶石 = The jewel of the Nile
Douglas, Michael
飛進未來 = Big
Hanks, Tom
…で: Hanks, Tom
烈愛風雲 = Great expectations
Cuaron, Alfonso
…で: Cuaron, Alfonso
烽火爆 = Firestorm
Glenn, Scott
…で: Glenn, Scott
奧斯卡與露辛達 = Oscar and Lucinda
Armstrong, Gillian
一路到底 : 脫線舞男 = The full monty
Carlyle, Robert
變蠅人 = The fly
Cronenberg, David
…で: Cronenberg, David
變蠅人. 2 = The fly. 2
Stoltz, Eric
…で: Stoltz, Eric
愛在分別時 = Bye bye love
Modine, Matthew
…で: Modine, Matthew
異形. 4 : 浴火重生 = Alien resurrection
Jeunet, Jean-Pierre
芬谷林. 2 : 魔力救援記 = FernGully. 2 : The ...
愛是唯一 = She's the one
Burns, Edward
…で: Burns, Edward
你行我素 = A life less ordinary
Boyle, Danny
死亡之吻 = Kiss of death
Caruso, David
…で: Caruso, David
精神食糧 = Soul food
Tillman, George, Jr.
…で: Tillman, George, Jr.
愛在紐約 = It could happen to you
Bergman, Andrew
…で: 伍迪哈里遜
火線浮生錄 = Paradise road
Beresford, Bruce
…で: Beresford, Bruce
1997誓不兩立 = The edge
Baldwin, Alec
…で: Baldwin, Alec
…で: 阿諾史瓦辛格
…で: 丹尼格洛佛
玩具兵團 = Toys
Levinson, Barry
…で: Levinson, Barry
剪刀手愛德華 = Edward scissorhands
Bruton, Tim
…で: 查理辛
機飛總動員 = Hot shots!
Abrahams, Jim
…で: Abrahams, Jim
天龍戰警 = Marked for death
Little, Dwight H.
…で: Little, Dwight H.
純屬虛構 = Picture perfect
Aniston, Jennifer
…で: Aniston, Jennifer
機器鬧鬼 = Ghost in the machine
Allen, Karen
懷胎九月 = Nine months
Columbus, Chris
…で: Columbus, Chris
窈窕奶爸 = Mrs. Doubtfire
Columbus, Chris
…で: Columbus, Chris
異形 = Alien
Scott, Ridley
…で: Scott, Ridley
異形. 2 = Aliens. 2
Cameron, James
…で: Cameron, James
異形. 3 = Alien. 3
Fincher, David
…で: Fincher, David
海上風情畫 = Out to sea
Coolidge, Martha
…で: Coolidge, Martha
愛的秘密 = Inventing the abbotts
O'connor, Pat
無底洞 = The abyss
Biehn, Michael
…で: Biehn, Michael
驚爆點 = Point break
Bigelow, Kathryn
…で: Bigelow, Kathryn
火山爆發 = Volcano
Heche, Anne
…で: Heche, Anne
終極警探 = Die hard
McTiernan, John
…で: McTiernan, John
終極警探. 2 = Die hard. 2
Bedelia, Bonnie
…で: Bedelia, Bonnie
…で: 史提夫嘉丁堡
等待夢醒時分 = Waiting to exhale
Bassett, Angela
激情年代 = The crucible
Day-Lewis, Daniel
…で: Day-Lewis, Daniel
潛艇總動員 = Down periscope
Grammer, Kelsey
…で: Grammer, Kelsey
王牌追殺令 = Homegrown
Gyllenhaal, Stephen
…で: Gyllenhaal, Stephen
…で: 尼可拉斯凱吉
失蹤時刻 = The deep end of the ocean
Grosbard, Ulu
緊急動員 = The siege
Bening, Annette
…で: Bening, Annette
…で: 傑若米艾倫斯
…で: 妮可基嫚
駭客任務 = The Matrix
Reeves, Keanu
…で: Reeves, Keanu
…で: 珍妮佛洛芙荷薇
兵人 = Soldier
Anderson, Paul W. S.
…で: Anderson, Paul W. S.
…で: 安東尼班德拉斯
真愛告白 = Hope floats
Bullock, Sandra
…で: Bullock, Sandra
好膽別走 = The big hit
Wahlberg, Mark
…で: Wahlberg, Mark
X檔案 : 征服未來 = The X files
Anderson, Gillian
…で: Anderson, Gillian
復仇者 = The avengers
Chechik, Jeremiah S.
…で: Chechik, Jeremiah S.
…で: 方基墨
超完美謀殺案 = A perfect murder
Davis, Andrew
冒牌老爸 = Big daddy
Adams, Joey Lauren
…で: Adams, Joey Lauren
將計就計 = Entrapmant
Amiel, Jon
…で: Amiel, Jon
…で: 凱特溫絲蕾
電子情書 = You've got mail
Ephron, Nora
電子情書幕後情網大公開 = The making of you've g...
Ephron, Nora
笨賊妙探 = Blue streak
Lawrence, Martin
…で: Lawrence, Martin
求婚腦震盪 = Micky blue eyes
Grant, Hugh
紅色警戒 = The thin red line
Malick, Terrence
…で: Malick, Terrence
X檔案:征服未來幕後偵緝=the making of the x files
…で: 克林伊斯威特
來自紅花坂 = コクリコ坂から
宮崎 吾朗
世界大戰 = War of the worlds
Spielberg, Steven
…で: Spielberg, Steven
救世主 : The one
黃 藝瑜
…で: 黃 藝瑜
…で: 周杰倫
糯米正傳 = Norbit
Murphy, Eddie
…で: Murphy, Eddie
赤壁 : 決戰天下 = Red cliff. II
太陽劇團 : 超越極限 = Cirque du soleil : dralion
太陽劇團 : 愛上癮 = Cirque du soleil : lovesick
太陽劇團 : 飛躍之旅 = Cirque du soleil : alegria
太陽劇團 : 夢幻嘉年華 = Cirque du soleil : la...
媽媽咪呀! = Mamma Mia!
Brosnan, Pierce
…で: Brosnan, Pierce
美人心機 = The other Boleyn girl
Bana, Eric
女郎我最兔 = The house bunny
Faris, Anna
變形金剛 = Transformers
Bay, Michael
…で: Bay, Michael
麻雀變鳳凰 = Pretty Woman
Gere, Richard
…で: Gere, Richard
追風箏的孩子 = The Kite Runner
Abda, Khalid
史瑞克三世 = Shrek the Third
Hui, Raman
功夫熊貓 = Kung fu panda
Jolie, Angelina
…で: Jolie, Angelina
女人香 = Scent of a woman
Brest, Martin
…で: Brest, Martin
澳大利亞 = Australia
Jackman, Hugh
…で: Jackman, Hugh
花園裡的螢火蟲 = Fireflies in the garden
Dafoe, Willem
陌生的孩子 = Changeling : a true story
Eastwood, Clint
皮克斯短片精選 = Pixar short films collection
屬於我們的聖誕節 = Christmas tale
Amalric, Mathieu
敬!人生 = To life
Agosin, Shai
…で: Agosin, Shai
神鬼奇航 加勒比海盜.3 : 世界的盡頭 = Pirates of th...
Bloom, Orlando
愛情三選一 = Definitely, Maybe
Breslin, Abigail
…で: Breslin, Abigail
胡士托風波 = Taking Woodstock
Lee, Ang
沒問題先生 = Yes man
Jim, Carrey
…で: Jim, Carrey
斷背山 = Brokeback Mountain
波特小姐 : 比得兔的誕生 = Miss Potter
McGregor, Ewan
BJ 單身日記:男人禍水 = Bridget Jones : the e...
Grant, Hugh
完美的一天 = perfectday
Conroy, Frances [et al.
…で: Conroy, Frances [et al.
航站情緣 = The terminal
Hanks, Tom [et al.
…で: Hanks, Tom [et al.
神鬼交鋒 = Catch me if you can
Hanks, Tom
我的藍苺夜 = My blueberrynights
Jones, Norah [et al.
…で: Jones, Norah [et al.
往事如煙 = Things we lost in the fire
Berry, Halle
街頭日記 = Freedom writers
Lagravense, Richard
…で: Lagravense, Richard
當幸福來敲門 = The pursuit of happyness
Muccino, Gabriele
教父 = The Godfather
Brando, Marlon
…で: Brando, Marlon
瓦力 = Wall‧E
Stanton, Andrew
…で: Stanton, Andrew
夢幻女郎 = Dreamgirls
Condon, Bill
…で: Condon, Bill
頭彩冤家 = What happens in vegas
Diaz, Cameron
CSI犯罪現場.第二季 = Crime scene investigation
CBS Broadcasting Inc.
CSI犯罪現場.第三季 = Crime scene investigation
CBS Broadcasting Inc.
CSI犯罪現場.第四季 = Crime scene investigation
CBS Broadcasting Inc.
CSI犯罪現場.第五季 = Crime scene investigation
CBS Broadcasting Inc.
革命前夕的摩托車日記 = The motorcycle diaries
革命英雄 : 切.格瓦拉 : 追求自由與理想之路
…で: 宮崎駿
真愛滿行囊 = Call me Elizabeth
Ameris, Jean-Pierre
…で: Ameris, Jean-Pierre
冥王星早餐 = Breakfast on pluto
Jordan, Neil
心靈偵探社 = I love huckabees
關鍵報告 = Minority report
Cruise, Tom
奇妙仙子 = Secret of the Wings : 冬森林的秘密
Lurie, Sean
縱橫天下 = The world is not enough
Apted, Michael
千鈞一髮 = Gattaca
尼可 ((Niccol, Andrew) )
…で: 尼可 ((Niccol, Andrew) )
神鬼戰士 = Gladiator
Scott, Ridley
…で: Scott, Ridley
黃金眼 = Goldeneye
坎貝爾 ((Campbell, Martin))
…で: 坎貝爾 ((Campbell, Martin))
生死關頭 = Live and let die
漢彌頓 ((Hamilton, Guy) )
…で: 漢彌頓 ((Hamilton, Guy) )
金手指 = The Goldfinger
漢彌頓 ((Hamilton, Guy))
…で: 漢彌頓 ((Hamilton, Guy))
聖誕夜驚魂 = The nightmare before Christmas
Selick, Henry
巔峰極限 = Vertical limit
Campbell, Martin
…で: Campbell, Martin
贖罪 = Atonement
Wright, Joe
…で: Wright, Joe
變形金剛.2 = Transformers:Revenge of the...
貝 ((Bay, Michael))
Tru calling = 神秘召喚
Noyce, Phillip
…で: Noyce, Phillip
天崩地裂 = Dante's Peak
唐諾生 ((Donaldson, Roger) )
…で: 唐諾生 ((Donaldson, Roger) )
透明人 = Hollow Man
Verhoeven, Paul
…で: Verhoeven, Paul
終極密碼戰 = Mercury rising
Becker, Harold
…で: Becker, Harold
麻雀變鳳凰 = Pretty woman
Marshall, Garry
…で: Marshall, Garry
天降奇兵 = The league of extraordinary g...
Norrington, Stephen
決戰時刻 = The Patriot
Emmerich, Roland
…で: Emmerich, Roland
吸血鬼 = Dracula
柯波拉 ((Coppola, Rancis Ford))
…で: 柯波拉 ((Coppola, Rancis Ford))
將計就計 = Entrapment
艾米 ((Amiel, Jon) )
…で: 艾米 ((Amiel, Jon) )
貓 = Cats : 音樂劇
韋伯 ((Webber, AndrewLloyd) )
…で: 韋伯 ((Webber, AndrewLloyd) )
時尚女王香奈兒 = Coco before Chanel
芳妲 ((Fontaine, Anne))
…で: 芳妲 ((Fontaine, Anne))
不可能的任務 = Mission Impossible:Ghost Pr...
柏德 ((Bird, Brad ))
海角七號 = Cape No. 7
…で: 魏德聖
綠光戰警 = Green Lantern
坎貝爾 ((Campbell, Martin))
…で: 坎貝爾 ((Campbell, Martin))
MacGyver = 馬蓋先
Zlotoff, Lee David
…で: Zlotoff, Lee David
捍衛戰警 = Speed. 2 : cruise control. 2...
狄邦 ((De Bont, Jan))
斷箭 = Broken arrow
…で: 吳宇森
明天過後 = The Day After Tomorrow
艾默里奇 ((Emmerich, Roland))
…で: 艾默里奇 ((Emmerich, Roland))
捍衛聯盟 = Rise of the Guardians
瑞姆席 ((Ramsey, Peter))
…で: 瑞姆席 ((Ramsey, Peter))
繼承人生 = The Descendants
潘恩 ((Payne, Alexander))
…で: 潘恩 ((Payne, Alexander))
孤雛淚 = Oliver Twist
波蘭斯基 ((Polanski, Roman))
…で: 波蘭斯基 ((Polanski, Roman))
鼠來寶 = Alvin and the Chipmunks. 3
Mitchell, Mike
瓶中信 = Message in a bottle
Mandoki, Luis
…で: Mandoki, Luis
尋骨線索 = Bones
CSI犯罪現場.第一季 = CSI: Crime scene inves...
CBS Broadcasting Inc.
雨果的冒險 = Hugo
史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Marin))
…で: 史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Marin))
Lost檔案 = Lost
Abrams, J.J.
…で: Abrams, J.J.
色戒 = Lust caution
輝耀姬物語 = かぐや姫の物語
醜女貝蒂 = Ugly Betty
Ferrera, America
…で: Ferrera, America
歡樂合唱團 = Glee
Novick, Michael
…で: Novick, Michael
哈利波特:神秘的魔法石 = Harry Potter and the s...
卡隆巴斯 ((Columbus,Chris))
哈利波特:消失的密室 = Harry Potter and the ch...
卡隆巴斯 ((Columbus, Chris) )
哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯 = Harry Potter and the ...
柯朗 ((Cuaron, Alfonso))
金盞花大酒店 = The best exotic marigold hotel
麥登 ((Madden, John))
哈利波特:鳳凰會的密令 = Harry Potter and the o...
葉茨 ((Yates, David) )
重量級的愛情 = Mike and Molly
羅伯茲 ((Roberts, Mark))
…で: 羅伯茲 ((Roberts, Mark))
哈利波特:混血王子的背叛 = Harry Potter : and th...
Yates, David
醜聞筆記 = Notes on a scandal
實習醫生 = Grey's anatomy
Touchstone Television
…で: Touchstone Television
超自然檔案 = Supernational
McGinty, Joseph
…で: McGinty, Joseph
哈利波特:死神的聖物 = Harry Potter and the De...
Yates, David
Cusack, John
…で: Cusack, John