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Works: 28 works in 28 publications in 1 languages
上班族出走-九0年代生涯新主張:事業與休息的平衡觀 by: 廖和敏; 林淑慎 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
實用汽車保養手冊 by: Jackson,Mary; 李定忠; 林淑慎 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
生命轉彎處 : 轉逆成順, 化苦為樂 by: 林淑慎; 鄭石岩 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
歡喜學習 : 讓孩子認真做自己, 便是教他學會釣魚 by: 林淑慎; 陳文德 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
自癒力:痊癒之鑰在自己 by: WEIL ANDREW; 林淑慎; 陳玲瓏 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
溝通100 by: 林淑慎; 關紹箕 (Language materials, printed) , [編]
林淑慎畫集 by: 林淑慎 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
用心療心:紓解現代台灣人的心理困頓 by: 林淑慎; 洪閔慧; 游乾桂 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
圖解瑜伽自然健康法=the natural & healthy way:a complete illustrated book of yoga by: 嚴菀華; 林淑慎 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
營造一個家:快樂diy,裝潢自己來 by: 林淑慎; 王麗莉; 簡旭裕 (Language materials, printed) , [主編]
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